Math Fundamentals 4: Data Analysis & Probablility - Non-book Item

Math Fundamentals 4: Data Analysis & Probablility

Quickstudy Barcharts

Essential core elements of mathematics to support early learning, continued development, and as a reference to review during and after building a strong foundation. Seeing a broad overview and how the details make the math possible in just 6 pages can melt away some math phobia and will strengthen skills and grades. Written and tested in a classroom over many years, two teachers came to us with this reference they used with their students. A math textbook authoring group then expanded the series. With experts in the classroom and in textbooks developing the content, don’t pass up this 6 page laminated, inexpensive tool with the power to support the core areas of math students struggle with. Check other titles in the 5-guide series for the areas of support most needed.
6 page laminated guide includes:
Ways to Collect Data
Populations & Samples
Types of Samples
Random Sample
Convenience Sample
Systematic Sample
Cluster Sample
Stratified Sample
Volunteer Sample
Measures of Central Tendency
Measures of Spread
Interquartile Range (IQR)
When to use Measures of Center & Spread
Symmetric Distribution (also called Normal Distribution)
Negatively Skewed Distribution (also called Left Skewed Distribution)
Positively Skewed Distribution (also called Right Skewed Distribution)
Interpretation of Graphs
Ways to Prevent Misinterpretation of Graphs
Graphing Data
Checklist for Making Graphs
Data Displays
Pictograph, Frequency Table, Tally Marks
Bar Graph, Double & Multiple Bar Graphs
Stacked Bar Graph
Two-Way Frequency & Relative Frequency Table
Circle Graph (also called Pie Chart) & Steps to Make Circle Graph
Scatter Plot & Steps to Make a Scatter Plot
Box-and-Whisker Plot & Steps to Make a Box-and-Whisker Plot
Histogram & Steps to Make a Histogram
Distributions in Histograms
Line Graph & Line Plot
Stem-and-Leaf Plot
Multiple Line Graph
Double Stem-and-Leaf Plot
Interpreting Statistics
Interpolation / Extrapolation
Normal Distribution
Venn Diagram
To determine if a set of data has any outliers:
Disjoint Sets
Interpreting the Venn Diagram


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