Baking With The St. Paul Bread Club - Paperback

Baking With The St. Paul Bread Club

Ode, Kim

Baking bread at home has enjoyed a resurgence in recent years. It can be therapeutic and build community. It is cost-effective and sustainable. And it allows for culinary creativity and experimentation in the home kitchen. All you need is some motivation and tasty recipes—both of which the St. Paul Bread Club will offer you.

The St. Paul Bread Club grew out of a shared desire for community and a love of baking, and Baking with the St. Paul Bread Club explores the stories and recipes that made the club a cherished place among its members. More than 70 favorite recipes emerge from intimate profiles of the club members who perfected them—from the accountant and her nearly flawless baguette to the former Iron Ranger who shares the secrets of her grandmother's strudel-like potica. One member, a book designer who was given a copy of The World of Breads nearly four decades earlier, transformed the book's anadama recipe into a peppery delight, swapping out molasses for chipotles and butter for bacon fat.

Author Kim Ode demystifies the ancient art of bread making with special sections on "Bread Wisdom for Beginners" and "Seasonal Favorites," and club founder Dan "Klecko" McGleno offers a step-by-step guide to starting a bread club in your own hometown. Whether you prefer to bake in solitude or wish to build a community in pursuit of the perfect loaf, this book reveals the true heart of this everyday food.
