I Used To Be A Miserable F*ck: An Everyman'S Guide To A Meaningful Life - Paperback

I Used To Be A Miserable F*ck: An Everyman'S Guide To A Meaningful Life

Kim, John

You don’t become a man just because you turn eighteen. Being a man is about everyday choices that lead you toward your full potential. John Kim knows. He was a boy most of his life. And he used to be a miserable f*ck.

After a divorce forced him to confront his shortcomings, he started blogging under the name The Angry Therapist, and writing about the struggles that led him to that point. As his work caught on and catapulted him into an unexpected role of life coach and therapist for thousands of people, he evolved from acting like a boy to living like a man—and showed his clients how to do the same.

In I Used to be a Miserable F*ck, John Kim helps readers take small steps toward big changes. With his signature no-nonsense “self-help in a shot glass” approach, The Angry Therapist teaches how and why:

Boys chase, but men attract
Scheduling man dates could make you a better friend, lover, and human being
Arguing, judging, and saying “I dunno” are undermining your success at work and at home
All men want the same things: fulfilling careers, supportive relationships, real respect, and lasting love. It starts with challenging yourself to be better—not just for you, but for everyone around you. If you’ve ever felt like a miserable f*ck, step into The Angry Therapist’s office (it’s a coffee shop) and make yourself into the man you’ve always wanted to be.
