Kill Reply All: A Modern Guide To Etiquette, From Social Media To Work, To Love - Paperback

Kill Reply All: A Modern Guide To Etiquette, From Social Media To Work, To Love

Turk, Victoria

How do you reply to your colleague’s weird email? What would Emily Post say about your Tinder profi le? And just how do you know if you’re mansplaining? In this irreverent journey through the murky world of digital etiquette, Wired’s Victoria Turk provides an indispensable guide to minding our manners in a brave new online world, and making peace with the platforms, apps, and devices we love to hate.

The digital revolution has put us all within a few clicks, taps, and swipes of one another. But familiarity can breed contempt, and while we’re more likely than ever to fall in love online, we’re also more likely to fall headfirst into a raging fight with a stranger or into an unhealthy obsession with the phones in our pockets. If you’ve ever encountered the surreal, aggravating battlefields of digital life and wondered why we all don’t go analog, this is the book for you.
Contributor Bio(s)
Victoria Turk is the features editor at Wired UK, where she oversees long-form stories and writes regularly for print and web. Before working at Wired, she was the technology editor at New Scientist and the UK editor at Motherboard, Vice’s tech and science channel.
