Resilience : Discovering A New Strength At Times Of Stress

Flach, Frederic

Make stress your ally in the pursuit of happiness and personal fulfillment.

There’s no escaping stress. It appears on our doorstep uninvited in the shattering forms of death, divorce, or job loss. Stress even comes in the pleasant experiences of promotion, marriage, or a long-held wish fulfilled.

So why do some people come out of a crisis feeling better than ever, and others never seem to bounce back?

You will discover:
• How to develop the 14 traits that will make you more resilient
• Why “falling apart” is often the smartest step to take on the road to resilience
• When the five-step plan for creative problem solving can help
• What essential steps you can take to strengthen your body’s resilience
• How to redefine your problem and restructure your pain to create a life you can handle, a life you can learn from and enjoy!

Drawing on more than thirty years of case studies from his own psychiatric practice, Dr. Frederic Flach reveals the remarkable antidote to the destructive qualities of stress—physical, mental, and emotional resilience.
